You purchase structures and units with the latter two, though these accrue at ridiculously slow speeds (as in “go-do-something-else-for-several-hours” slow), and which you have to harvest manually by tapping on the producing structures. Refineries and credit markets produce alloy and credits respectively. Underlying the economy are crystals, credits and alloy. Favor the Rebellion and you’ll have access to individuals like Han Solo, Chewbacca and Princess Leia.

Choose the Empire and you can trot out AT-ATs and Tie Fighters. After stepping through a few tutorial exercises that illustrate where to tap to buy things and how to tap to deploy units in combat, you’re allowed to throw in with either the Rebellion or the Empire, the difference between the two a matter of campaign storyline and playable unit types. I’ve been noodling with it this morning, and it’s your garden variety real-time strategy game: kit out a base, build and upgrade structures, then deploy troops to slug it out in Star Wars-ian locales.