He is banned a fair amount, so make sure to have a back up tank, but a good garrosh will bully the enemy and make the game feel unplayable. A bit ranty at the end their, but if you really want to carry games as a tank, I would suggest Garrosh. If you understand where to be and what you should be doing, then you are already better than most. This is not a bad thing per se, but it does mean that most people do not understand basic moba concepts that might be obvious to even low elo players from other moba's. Heroes players by contrast are much more "Casual". This isn't flaming anyone, but if you take a plat player from League, Dota, or smite, they try to look up resources to get better. One thing you will notice pretty quickly is that, compared to other MOBA's, the "average" player is much worse. Tanks are really good for climbing because the people that play heroes do NOT no where to stand 95% of the time, and thats true for even diamond players. Mal'ganis is pretty similar in playstyle as well, and Muradin can be played that well as well. That being said, it sounds like you would enjoy Diablo as a tank. In Heroes you want to ideally have a tank and a solo laner to actually have a frontline to create space for the squishy's ( a concept you are probably familiar with if you play moba's).